Health Benifit Of Tea

Todays stressful world, tea can play a vital role in improving the quality of human health. Research shows tea has many medicinal values, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anticariogenic, anticarcinogenic properties. Recent studies also show evidence that polyphenols in tea serve as potential in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.     Read more ›

Tea drinking around the world

Tea is most consumed drink in the world after water. The tea served in the tea ceremony is called matcha (pronounced mahcha) and is powdered tea of the highest quality. In Iran and Afghanistan, drink green tea as a thirst quencher and black tea as satisfying warming refreshment from little porcelain bowls. In Egypt, without milk tea is brewed strong and served in glasses, and sometimes flavoured with sugar or mint leaves. Russians drink both black and green teas usually from glasses. Tea is also widely consumed beverage in America. Iced teas comprise about 80 percent of all teas consumed in United States. But the fashion drinking hot black tea with milk is now growing.    Read more ›

Tea Grades - Don't be biased

There are some misunderstanding existed on the quality aspect of Tea Grades. Each one has its own taste and preference advocate for one grade or another. These tea grades are subjective and can vary from region to region. As is known, the Whole Leaf, Fanning�s and the Dusts are all made from the same leaves, undergo the same process of manufacturing and is separated based on particle size during the process of sorting.    Read more ›

What is Tea

The tea plant under natural conditions is an evergreen tree and wildly grows into a medium size tree. The root system of a tea bush can be divided into main roots, subsidiary roots and feeder roots. Root system varies in tea bushes depending on genetic make up and soil environment. Starch is stored in roots.
The tea plant prefers warm temperatures, humidity and plenty of rainfal    Read more ›

What is Green Tea

Green teas are known as unoxidised teas. The fresh green leaves are steamed to kill the oxidizing enzymes allowing the final product to stay green. The common grades of green tea are: Fine Young Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson No. 1, Twanky, Fannings or Soumee, and Dust. you can read more     Read more ›

What is Oolong Tea

Todays craze among young generation is to drink flavoured teas, especially in the United States, has led the major blending companies to create very wide range of flavoured tea varieties. Flavoured teas are also popular in Denmark, France and Germany.     Read more ›

What is White Tea

Consequently, White tea usually contain higher concentrations of catechins than other teas. Tiny silver hairs that cover the buds give the tea a white appearance.     Read more ›

What is Decaffeinated Tea

Caffeine is removed by treating the tea with an organic solvents viz. methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, and super critical carbon dioxide. Decaffeinated tea is not totally free of caffeine.     Read more ›

What is Organic Tea

Organic tea production promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. Its production is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and utilizes management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.     Read more ›

Types of Tea and its Processing

Tea is generally categorized into three different types black, green and oolong. Black tea is consumed in Western hemisphere, while consumption of green tea is confined mainly to Asia and Middle East. The worldwide black tea production is about 78%, whereas green tea constitutes about 20% and rest about 2% is oolong tea. Oolong is mainly produced in China and Taiwan. Small quantities of green and oolong are also produced in India and Sri Lanka.
Processing of tea is generally considered the art of tea. It is where many of the subtleties in taste, body, and overall character are created. In its most basic form, it is taking the raw green leaves and deciding whether or not, and how much oxidation (or fermentation) should take place before drying them out. Tea leaves have enzymes in their veins. When the leaf is broken, bruised, or crushed, the enzymes are exposed to oxygen resulting in oxidation. The amount of oxidation depends upon how much of the enzymes are exposed and for how long.     Read more ›

Anti-Obesity Effects of Tea

Green tea extract rich in polyphenols have thermogenic properties and promote fat oxidation. The stimulation of hepatic lipid metabolism might be a reason for the antiobesity effects of tea catechins. Caffeine and oolong teas can enhance nonadrenaline-induced lipolysis in fat cells, preventing obesity and fatty liver, and inhibit pancreatic lipase activity in obese mice induced by a high-fat diet. Fat oxidation was seen to be significantly higher (12%) when subjects consumed full strength tea rather than water.     Read more ›

Effects of Green Tea

Green tea weight loss products are readily available in many forms and considered by many as one of the best products to take to shed excess calories. By making adjustments to the metabolic rate, the body will not retain toxins long enough to enter the blood; this is how green tea weight loss products work. Sometimes you will find ginseng is mixed with green tea to improve its properties and effectiveness. Although safe to use, ginseng and green tea are not normally used for periods beyond six months at a time.     Read more ›

Green Tea Processing

Drying: The leaves are finally dried to a moisture content of 3 to 4 percent. With the inactivation of polyphenol oxidase, the ployphenol are not oxidized and therefore remain colourless, allowing the processed leaf to remain green.     Read more ›

What is Instant Tea

It can be made black tea leaf; (partially) fermented, undried leaf; oolong or green tea. Instant tea is also produced in USA in fairly large quantities from black tea as raw material.     Read more ›

What is Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is not actually made from Camellia sinensis, but rather an herb or a mix of herbs. Herbal teas are different product altogether.     Read more ›

What is Spice Tea

Spiced tea or Masala chai anywhere in India is an aromatic spiced tea, which has been the Indian drink of choice for years.     Read more ›

What is Flavoured Tea

Todays craze among young generation is to drink flavoured teas, especially in the United States, has led the major blending companies to create very wide range of flavoured tea varieties. Flavoured teas are also popular in Denmark, France and Germany.     Read more ›