Fruit FAQ (Part II)

Q: What type of land is suitable for fruit cultivation?

A: Generally well drained, deep loam soils are recommended for growing fruit tree crops. Shallow and very heavy soils are discouraged.

Q: How do one select a good pineapple at produce market?

A: While fruit merchants will dispute this test, many still say that the best way to know if a pineapple is fresh is to pull out the center-most leaf from the top of the fruit. The lore is that if the leaf easily pulls out, the pineapple is ripe.
The problem with this method is that if you're not the first customer to pull the leaf out, you'll have no idea if it's a fair test. So instead of making your fruit merchant angry, skip the leaf pulling and look at the pineapple to see if its exterior has begun to turn slightly yellow, a sign of ripening. Look for firm, deep green leaves and watch out for bruises or discolorations. Feel to make sure the fruit is heavy (a sign that it's juicy) and slightly tender to the touch, neither soft nor steely hard. And then, as when buying most fruits, hold it to your nose and enhale. A fragrant, sweet odor is a sign that the fruit is ripe.

Q: How do a pineapple is stored? Whether refrigeration is needed?

A: No. If you've bought a pineapple that's already at room temperature, that's how to store it once you get it home. But don't let it languish. A ripe pineapple should be eaten within two or three days of buying it. Once you cut the pineapple, completely trim the fruit and then store it in the refrigerator. Because of the enzymes in the fruit, the pineapple can begin to ferment in a few days both before and after it's been cut so keep it out of direct sunlight.

Q: How do I peel and cut a pineapple?

A: The task of peeling, coring and cutting a pineapple is easiest when using a serrated bread knife. Begin by slicing off the bottom, about 1/2" across the base, and then the top. Where you go from here will depend upon how you're going to use and cook with the pineapple.
A serrated knife will easily slice off the tough skin, paring along the surface deep enough to remove the coarse brown eyes but leaving the juicy fruit. Unless you need pineapple rings, the fruit is usually cut lengthwise into quarters, making it easy to cut off the coarse center core.
If you need pineapple rings, you'll need to use a cutting device called a "corer" that sometimes resembles a cookie cutter (others look like an apple corer) and will cut a small circle through the center of the entire fruit or thick slices, removing the 1" or so core and leaving all the tender fruit intact.

Q: What's the nutritional score on pineapple?

A: A great source of vitamin C, 1 cup of fresh pineapple has about 75 calories. That pesky enzyme, called bromelain, is an aid to digestion but it can also sometimes cause a temporary tingling in the mouth.

Q: How many fruits and vegetables should I eat every day and why?

A: The minimum number of servings per day is 5. Fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories, but high in nutrition. The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more nutrition you get and it helps to crowd out other high fat high calorie foods.

Q: Why eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day?

<A: Over 200 studies showed that people who eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily have only half as many digestive and respiratory cancers as those who consume fewer than 2 servings a day. Many other studies have confirmed that a diet high in fruits and vegetables reduces the risks of obesity, heart disease, stroke and diabetes, as well as many forms of cancer.

Q: WDo people have to eat different fruits and vegetables during the day?

<A: It is best to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

Q: Why should people eat fruits and vegetables in season?

<A: Fruits and vegetables should be eaten in season because the vitamin content is best at that time. They are also usually the tastiest and freshest when they are in season.

Q: Is the wax used on fruit safe to eat? Why is this necessary?

A: Fruits and vegetables contain a high percentage of water. Waxing helps to retain moisture in fruit and vegetables during shipping and marketing. It also inhibits mould growth and protects the fruit and vegetables from diseases. Research carried out by governmental and scientific authorities has shown that approved waxes are safe to eat. As they are indigestible; they will go through the body without breaking down or being absorbed. Waxes cannot be removed by washing. If consumers prefer not to consume waxes, they can always peel the fruit or vegetables, or alternatively, scrub or scrape the wax off the surface of the produce just before eating.

Q: What effective ways to remove pesticide or was on fruits and vegetables? How should vegetables wash in order to remove the pesticides effectively? How long it take to rinse vegetables and fruit?

A: A combination of rinse, soak and rinse will help to remove pesticide residues on vegetables substantially. The rate of removal depends on many factors such as the amount of residue present, technique of washing and rinsing etc. Generally, a 30s rinse, a 15min soak and a final rinse would be effective. It can remove surface residues by more than half the original amount present. When rinsing, pay attention to the base of the stems since dirt or pesticide tend to get trapped there.